Furthermore, they suggest that the reward mechanism involved in this addiction has probably evolved in a similar way in other monogamous animals, humans included, to regulate pair-bonding in them as well. 此外,他们还提到,与这彼此沉溺上瘾相关的奖赏机制在其他的一夫一妻制动物(包括人类)生理系统中,或许也进化成了相似的方式,以规范他们的配偶联结关系。
You can load the tables for the other event types in a similar way. 您可以用类似的方式装载用于其他事件类型的表。
In a similar way, you can remove the dimensional capabilities of the model by unchecking the option. 通过类似方式,可以取消勾选该选项来删除模型的多维功能。
The facts object needs to be processed in a similar way to the dimension objects. 需要按照与维对象相似的方式处理事实对象。
The information in various portlets within the description view act in a similar way as do the attributes within RequisitePro: they add depth and breadth to the understanding of that requirement. 描述图中不同的portlet中的信息同RequisitePro中的属性以相似的方式表现:它们向需求的理解添加深度和广度。
The remove function works in a similar way to the find function. remove函数与find函数工作方式类似。
Fuzzy search finds documents that contain the search term spelled in a similar way to the submitted search term. 模糊搜索寻找包含与提交的搜索词拼写相似的词的文档。
There is nothing particularly radical about it: All software or SOA projects are defined in a similar way. 此方法也没有非常特别的地方:所有软件或SOA项目都是采用类似的方式定义的。
You can analyze the results in a similar way as described above for the SPSS model. 您可以用上面描述的相似方式来分析SPSS模型的结果。
In a similar way, EMF generates basic editors for EMF models. 通过类似的方法,EMF生成适用于EMF模型的基本编辑器。
You should be able to output XML in a similar way using your own favorite server-side language. 您应能够使用您偏爱的服务器端语言以类似的方式输出XML。
But would a structural engineer reason away the collapse of a building in a similar way? 但是建筑工程师会用类似的方式来解释一个建筑物倒塌的原因吗?
Researchers have found that pet dogs process language in a similar way to humans. 研究者发现,宠物狗的语言处理和人类有一定相似度。
We solved the problem in a similar way. 我们用相似的方法解决了那个问题。
But my body and my chip produce responses to particular situations in a similar way that your body and brain produce responses to the same situations. 但我的身体和我的芯片以类似于你的身体和大脑的回应方式对这种情况产生反应。
Later, you can expand your attention, in a similar way, to the other DX bands. 然后,就可以用同样的方式,将你的注意力扩展到其他波段。
Nature has optimized the main function of sperm cells in a similar way to race cars. 大自然用与赛汽车相似的方式来优化精子细胞的主要功能。
He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
The genes for the receptors of olfactory cells might also be read in a similar way. 嗅觉细胞上的受体基因,可能也是以类似的方式读取。
The basking shark gathers the same sort of food in a similar way. 姥鲨用相似的方法收集同类食物。
Research has found that taking in fewer calories affects our lives in a similar way to reducing IGF-1. 调查还发现,摄入卡路里减少,和降低IGF-1一样,对我们的寿命有相似的影响。
The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way. 植物没有专门排泄系统,可用同样方式加以说明。
It's a very different kind of crafting, but yet it does replace reality in a similar way, or it makes demands on reality that push the real back. 是一种很不一样的工艺,却以同样的方式代替了现实,或者对现实提出要求。
When she finally left, we had another who behaved in a similar way. 最后她走了,我们又请了一位佣人,但情况一模一样。
So, from Oracle's POV, SouJava is a good choice, as they are a voice of the people in a similar way to Apache. 从Oracle的角度来看,SouJava是个很不错的选择,因为他们采取了与Apache类似的方式表达出了人们的心声。
Grasshoppers not only produce string-like sounds, they even make music in a similar way to violinists and cellists. 草蜢不仅能发出类似弦乐的声音,而且它们演奏的方式同小提琴家和大提琴家大同小异。
The word e-tailer is a portmanteau word derived from'electronic'and'retailer ', in a similar way to'e-mail'. E-tailer是electronic和retailer两个词组合而成的,与e-mail这个词的构成方式一样。
In a similar way, radiant energy has a characteristic frequency and length associated with it. 同样,辐射能有其特性频率和相应的波长。
Silver lamps and jewellery can be polished in a similar way. 灯和银首饰可抛光用类似的方法。